Healthy Snacks in Schools

Schools have a strong impact on adolescents developing healthy eating for life.  Students regularly receive physical exercise during school in Phys Ed and extra curricular activities, however, this also should be tied in with healthy eating to support overall healthy growth.  Healthy vending machines play a large part of the healthy eating program in schools.

From the blog,

Add healthy snack items to vending machines in place of soda pop, chips and candy bars. Replace junk foods with healthier selections such as whole-grain granola bars, baked pita chips, crackers with peanut butter or all-natural fruit snacks.

This is where we come in with an easy, no cost, revenue generating healthy alternative to the typical sugary soda and snack choices in schools.

How Schools can promote healthy eating

It is critical that schools promote healthy eating habits

  • Add healthy snacks to vending machines.  Replace junk foods with healthier selections.
  • Organize a committee to educate parents and the importance of healthy eating habits
  • Combine healthy eating habits with regular physical activity
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